Wednesday, January 23, 2013

What happens when "happily ever after" isn't happy anymore? Part 2

So, you've reached a point in your marriage that you never thought you'd reach...and it's going the complete opposite direction both of you want to be going, and yet, you don't know how to stop the out of control spiral it's become.

We have...and we're working through it. There's so much advice out, some good, some not so good and some just down right bad.

What do you do? I so appreciate those of you who have commented, shared your experiences and stories. I think that much of the answer is exactly that...sharing stories, encouraging each other to keep on keeping on.

My husband and I have already done a number of different things. And we're still trying to get "there" - whatever and wherever "there" is. We've:
  • Met with our pastor
  • Done Biblical Counseling
  • Prayed 
  • Cried
  • Stopped believing there was hope
  • Started believing in hope again
  • Connected, momentarily, and then disconnected again 
  • Searched the scriptures 
And all these things are good. But I dare say, they're not the end all, be all. We're learning that this thing we call marriage, is so much more than a word, than an act, even than a vow.

It's a picture of Christ. It's a picture of His bride, the Church [universally].

And when you put it in that context, well, no wonder its so difficult!

All you have to do is look at your own (my own) relationship to Christ, to begin to understand how difficult, awe inspiring, and unachievable this calling, this "marriage" really is.

Yet, there's hope. Still, hope. Look at Christ. Look at His love, even though, even still, even when it all seems to be falling apart.

He is still there. He still cares, still calls, still forgives, still loves.

Can you see it? Can you believe it? We're in the midst of it, and trust me, the view is blurry at best, but we will continue to try and "get it", whatever that means. Because we are clinging, desperately so, to hope.

And you? What's going on in your relationship? Are you here too? Have you overcome? Have you begun to "get it," and if so, what exactly was it that you got? I'd love to hear from you!

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